Health initiatives update from JV India

Dear friends and supporters,

We wanted to highlight the need for health services -- the clinic operated by Jagriti Vihara(JV) is currently not able to function as planned for lack of funds. We began a strong internal discussion among the US team and sought input from JV in India. We emerged feeling the need for good quality health care is stronger than ever and committed to helping JV.

The answers to our questions follow, and we hope you will find them inspiring and informational, as we did:

1. What are the health problems in the area?
(specific statistics would be helpful)

Ans.: The beneficiaries of the proposed project ( hospital for hope) belong to the remote villages of the two Blocks, Burmu and Chandwa in the districts of Ranchi and Latehar respectively. The total population of these two Blocks is about 200 thousand out of which about 100 thousand people living in the neighborhood of Jagriti Vihara are sure to benefit directly from our services.

The actual and obvious health problems are created by diseases such as Malaria, Dysentery, Diarrhoea, Tuberculosis and Typhoid.

2. Why is the health centre not currently running?
Describe background, your thoughts on the impact to the community, your reflection for the hospital plan.( -earlier JV said: - clinic started 20 yrs ago, small clinic, now doing health tents/camps, need the clinic/lab)

Ans.: Our Health Centre ( a tiny clinic) has not been running as a hospital for lack of funds but it has been organizing health camps with the support of voluntary services rendered by some doctors and nurses from both Ranchi and Lathehar districts. We are thankful to some doctors and pharmacies who have generously donated samples of medicines received by them.

3. Can you describe the health camps in more detail?
-earlier JV said: health camps: Drs. come, malaria camp, etc., up to 300 patients

Ans.: Thus far our small clinic has been functioning only as a centre for holding camps for treating patients suffering from the diseases mentioned above.

In addition to these health camps a few eye camps were also organized with the support of Doctor Shanti Prakash and Dr. Gopal, both from Ranchi .These two doctors are willing to help us even in the future. A few more doctors from Ranchi who have visited our organization have promised to help us from time to time if our small clinic develops its infrastructure. Obviously the infrastructure of the clinic has to be developed and at the same time a couple of sufficiently paid resident doctors assisted by well trained staff will be needed to run the proposed hospital. The project plan which has been sent to you explains the minimum need.

4. How will the hospital sustain itself? What will the sources of funding be?

Ans.- The hospital will sustain itself exactly as our organization, Jagriti Vihara, which is sustained by generous supports and contributions from individuals and organizations concerned about the suffering of the people. We have to make efforts to get more and more people interested in our work.

We intend to prepare different categories of patients considering their financial status such as: 1. beneficiaries existing below the poverty line – destitute will not pay anything 2. marginal farmers or wage earners – will pay affordable registration fee 3. well to do beneficiaries – will pay (a) Registration fee (b) the cost of treatment including medicines etc. We have already discussed these ideas in village committee meetings and people have unanimously agreed to cooperate with us.

5. What is the strongest need for healthcare--clinic or hospital or both? Why?

Ans.: We aim at establishing a hospital with accommodation for some indoor patients. Hospital will include a clinic and a pathological lab. Considering the failure of the present system of healthcare run by unqualified rural practitioners prescribing medicines only by guessing diseases, a pathological lab as well as a few qualified doctors are the dire need felt in our region.

-Jagriti Vihara information group