Project Background
Our team, consisting of Stanford University alumns, have been living and working with Jagriti Vihara, a well respected NGO in the northern state of Jharkhand, India, over the last decade. Our collective involvement goes back to summer 2000, and through the years we've helped build a school lab and a library. With your help, we are addressing one of their greatest needs: a functioning hospital. We all are committed to raising $100,000 to directly improve the health services for 100,000 people in Jagriti Vihara.
The Need
Jagriti was established in 1975 to focus on reconstructing rural areas by motivating local villagers to play an active role in changing the social order. They believe in sustainable development and see their work as strengthening society. Under their Environment and Health initiative, they operate a Health Centre (clinic). They believe in empowering people by ensuring they have the resources to be successful.
Through operating the clinic, the intense need for a hospital has become apparent. Due to size restrictions, the clinic is not able to reach all rural areas, nor do they have the resources to handle complex medical procedures such as surgery. For this, the local people must spend 1 day's salary to travel by bus to the hospital in Ranchi and hope they can be seen that day. This situation exists because the transportation infrastructure is underdeveloped and phone appointment systems are precarious.
The hospital would also allow larger health initiatives such as malaria awareness campaigns. Malaria is endemic in this area and victims suffer from alternating high fever and chills. Though it can be treated with proper medication, and even prevented with proper education, it is too large of a project to run out of Jagriti's clinic. The hospital will teach classes to reduce risky cultural behaviours and dispense preventative and curative medicine.